Thursday, December 28, 2006

Pics...just click on this one to see!

Back from Ireland!

Got back from a wonderful time in Ireland filming for Channel 4. Pics to follow! Lots of visits, lots of laughter and tears plus a wicked Christmas dinner with crackers, hats, tree and carols.
The weather was beautiful for much of the shoot so it was a bit of a surprise to get back to freezing fog in Birmingham!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Round 2!!

Bad news from the last oncologist's visit in November...two of the brain tumours are active again and the lung tumour looks more lively than last time so it's back to chemo in January. Have managed to get the oncologist to consider Gordon for the Gamma Knife as he can't have whole brain radiotherapy again. However, he needs new MRI info first so we're off there on Friday...then it's off to Dzogchen Beara for the next week!!

Gordon was asked to get involved in one of the "Three Minute Wonders" documentaries for Channel 4 and so they're flying us out there, giving us a car and paying for our should be shown in January and Gordon just hopes that it might touch someone else who has been touched by cancer and show them that there is another way to deal with it; he is such a wonderful man!!